Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Phillip 20 months

Phillip is becoming a little man. He is starting to talk more and says "whats that" for everything. He wants to know what everything is! He does not like to watch much TV but loves to run outside with the kids or dogs and enjoys getting dirty, as any boy would.
The Dr. has finally decided to take him off of all his medications - we have been med free for a week - no signs of the JRA coming back yet - it is a waiting game from here on out - if he does not get any symptoms off the meds then we can assume he is JRA free if he does then we start all over again - he is a lot more happy off of the meds and has slept through the night from the day we took him off of them. If he can stay med free for 6 months then he can get his immunizations - he was unable to get any immunizations while on the meds - he couldn't have any live virus in his system. The meds were supposed to make him prone to infection but, we have been blessed that we never had an issue with that. Please continue to pray that he is able to stay off his meds for good.
He loves to get his picture taken and hugs and kisses everyone he meets - he definately a people person - he must get that from his dad.
He is still allergic to red dye and we have an appointment with the specialist to test him for other allergies - so far it is really easy to avoid the dye.  Posted by Picasa

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